A week in the life

I've decided to let you all get the inside scoop of what it's like to be...well, me!  Here is a typical week in my life.  If you can't tell, I thrive off of being busy! 

5:45 am - Drag myself out of bed, toss my hair up in a high pony, and drive into Detroit to start work by 7:00 am at DTE Energy's HQ building.  
3:00 pm - Leave work, hoping to avoid traffic by leaving prior to rush hour.
4:00 pm - Arrive in Ann Arbor, where I'll work at LawnGuru developing social strategies and scheduling posts for our social media account.
6:30 pm - Dinner time!  I would love to tell you that I make a delicious meal for one at home, but that's just a big fat lie.  Half the time, I'm surviving off of Clif bars and other snacks.  The other half, you can find me in line at Chipotle.
7:00 pm - Time for the gym!
9:00 pm - Quick shower, set my alarm for 5:45 am, then I hit the hay.

5:45 am - Another day another dollar.  Maybe I'll leave my hair out of the high pony today...probably not though.
3:00 pm - I'll always try and leave work by this time!
4:00 pm - Hit the gym.  I eat a lot of ice cream, so this is a necessary stop in my daily routine.
5:00 pm - Taco Tuesday is absolutely necessary. Maiz, Los Amigos, La Torre, they're all my favorites.
7:00 pm - Golden hour!  This is when I usually schedule any photoshoots I have with clients.  The weather is perfect, and the sun is just starting to fall from the sky.  This creates the best overall "look" for the photos, and is my favorite time to shoot.
9:00 pm - Quick shower, set my alarm for 7:30 am, even though I know I'll still wake up by 6:00.  I'll usually watch some YouTube videos or edit photos during this time as well, since I can wake up a little later.

6:30 am - Wake up before my alarm, since my body is on such a schedule.  I'll usually use this extra time to relax for a minute and start my day off well.
7:00 am - We're hitting the gym early on Wednesday, because this day is jam packed!
8:15 am - Since it's hump day, I usually swing by Panera and reward myself with a cinnamon crunch bagel.  I know, it's more of a dessert than a breakfast.  I don't need reminded.
8:45 am - Find some parking in the downtown Ann Arbor neighborhoods and begin my morning walk into LawnGuru
5:00 pm - Hustle over from work to the Spark Central headquarters, where I will have a meeting with the social media team.  
6:00 pm - Still at Spark, just this time with all of the other interns.  We usually learn new stuff about marketing and career advancement.  It's like a class, with no grades and all useful information.
8:30pm - Arrive home.  As you may have noticed, I am a grandma and enjoy going to bed early.  I try to be laying down before it's dark outside, and am out like a light by 10:00 pm.

5:45 am - Back to this again.  At least it's Friday Eve!
3:00 pm - Leave work, but I'm stayin' in Detroit.  It's game night!  I try to eat at the Whole Foods hot bar in between jobs, since it is the only place where I can easily park for free (and lets face it...there's a Starbucks right next door).
4:30 pm - Arrive at Comerica Park, and get ready to throw lots of t-shirts!  Game days don't feel like work, but they sure are exhausting.
10:00 pm - Leave the ballpark, and hopefully make it home before falling asleep at the wheel.  16 hour work days are no joke folks.

5:45 am - Waking up this early isn't too bad on Friday.  
3:00 pm - Get out of work, speed home, and enjoy my weekend (that is...if I don't have more game days or photoshoots planned). 

As you can see...my free time is limited.  I wouldn't really have it any other way though!  As crazy as I am for having five jobs, I think it is teaching me an incredible amount of time management, prioritization, and how to take care of myself even if I don't think I have the time!  Hopefully you made it this far reading.  See you next week!



  1. Your writing style is really fun! I found it entertaining. If you are at WF in Detroit and see my friend Larry Austin who manages the store, please tell him Kim his hg said hi!


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