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The Engagement Game

No, we're not talking about weddings.  What we are talking about is social engagement, and how it can get your business new clients.  Social media is a game, and I'm hoping this gives you a little insight on how to play it!  Working as a social media manager, my primary job is to create content and engage with other accounts.  But what exactly does that mean?  The content creation is simple; take photos, create captions, and write articles.  The engagement is where things can get a little tricky.  Engagement on social media consists of following, liking, sharing, commenting, and reposting things from your business account.  But how does a like turn into a client?  That's where the engagement game comes into play.  As a business (or anyone developing their social presence), you should constantly be scrolling, liking, and commenting on posts that are similar to you.  This can be done by searching hashtags or accounts in your niche.  For example, if I am a wedding photogr

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